WORKSHOP 114 | SUNDAY 09:00-17:00 | ROOM 40-2.25 |
Exploring ANT in PD: Reflections and implications for theory and practice
Abstract. In this workshop, we will explore the potential contribution of Actor Network Theory to Participatory design 's theory and practice. The links between the two are multiple and offers multiple occasions to appreciate ANT as a resource for PD (ANT as an analytical tool to explore and describe socio-technical settings to design for; ANT as a theory to reflect on design processes and practices; ANT as a tool to address participation in techno-scientific controversies). Given this background, the workshop seeks contributions in three areas: ANT as a descriptive tool for PD, ANT as conceptual framework for PD theory and practice, ANT and PD education.
More information: workshop website and two-page description
Cristiano Storni, Interaction Design Centre - University of Limerick
Dagny Stuedahl, InterMedia - University of Oslo
Thomas Binder, The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts
Per Linde, Medea - Centre for collaborative media - Malmö University/K3
Contact: Cristiano Storni (