Call for papers
PDC2012 invites submissions in the following categories:
Research papers: (full paper – maximum 10 pages) Research papers should report on research, which furthers advances Participatory Design. Research papers will be published in the ACM International Conference series. Each submitted paper will be double blind reviewed by at least 3 reviewers. Please make sure submissions are anonymous. Accepted papers should be revised according to the review reports and the language should be checked by a native English speaker.
Exploratory papers: (short paper – maximum 4 pages) Exploratory papers should present ideas that could benefit from discussion with members of the Participatory Design community. These papers may include work-in-progress, experiences of reflective practitioners, and first drafts of novel approaches or theoretical reflections. Each submitted paper will be double blind reviewed by at least 3 reviewers. Please make sure submissions are anonymous.
Interactive workshops: (maximum 2 pages) The workshop proposal should describe half day or full day sessions on topics that include methods, practices, and other areas of interest and that support an interactive format where active participation beyond presentation is solicited. The proposal must justify the need for the workshop and should contain a title, goals, technique, relevance to Participatory Design and a schedule. Intended participants and how they will be recruited should also be described. Important workshop dates:
- June 1, 2012: Deadline for submission of papers to workshops with paper submission
- June 6, 2012: Author/participant notification
- August 7, 2012: Deadline for workshop registration
Industry Cases: (2-4 page case description) Industry Cases should report on the use of participatory design (PD) methods, tools, and/or practices within commercial, non-profit, or governmental organizations. Cases should highlight the benefits, challenges, and outcomes from the application of PD and should provide concrete lessons for others who are interested in applying PD in their organizations. Each submitted case will be double blind reviewed by at least 3 reviewers. Please make sure submissions are anonymous.
Doctoral consortium: (2 page proposal) The doctoral consortium is a full-day session intended for PhD students working within the field of Participatory Design. It will provide students with an opportunity to present issues of concern to them in their doctoral studies and receive extensive feedback from the session co-chairs and student participants. Enrolment is limited and selection will been based on application submissions. The proposal should give an overview of the PhD project, including research questions, motivations, methods, how the PhD work is related to Participatory Design, the status of current work, major findings and plans for further research. Accepted applicants will be asked to provide a revised and elaborated research summary (4 pages). Important doctoral consortium dates:
- March 31, 2012: Two-page proposals due
- May 1, 2012: Author notification
- June 30, 2012: Elaborated research summaries due
Submission and formatting guidelines
The submissions in all categories are subject to double-blind peer review. For previous PDC conferences, the acceptance rate for research papers has been about 25% and for the other submission categories about 50%.
All submissions should follow the PDC paper template.
The PDC 2012 proceedings will be published as part of the International Conference Proceedings Series published by ACM and available online from the ACM Digital Library. Accepted research papers will comprise Volume I (ISBN 978-1-4503-0846-5) of the Proceedings of the 12th Participatory Design Conference. Volume II (ISBN 978-1-4503-1296-7) of the proceedings will comprise the accepted papers in the other submission categories. Authors of accepted papers will need to complete the ACM copyright form as a condition of inclusion in the proceedings.
Only PDF files (.pdf) may be submitted and submissions are only accepted through the PDC conference management system.